About Us

Oilfield PULSE is the voice of the Oilfield HUB community.

Oilfield PULSE is a new concept in advertising. Targeted at companies doing business in the oil and gas industry, we pride ourselves in being a diverse source of information, ranging from serious hot button issues, to comical editorial pieces.  Every issue starts with our unique PULSE Advantage Custom Cover program.  The company that graces the cover becomes the focal point of that issue, spanning the cover, inside front cover ad as well as the feature story.  We then craft the rest of that issue around our Advantage Custom Cover company.  Beyond the Advantage Custom Cover company, the pages of Oilfield PULSE offer a number of features in a lively and colorful format:

– PULSE Advantage Custom Cover
– Feature & Guest Editorials
– Profiling Oilfield HUB Members at Large
– Showcasing Oilfield HUB Community Sponsors
– Oilfield HUB Member Announcements
– Industry News and Trends
– Technical Developments and New Products
– Social Events and Sports Coverage


What is Oilfield HUB?

Oilfield HUB is our online community that unites the buyers and sellers who conduct business in the oil and gas industry. Membership in Oilfield HUB brings a live connection to influential decision makers who make daily purchasing decisions. Oilfield PULSE acts as the marketing engine for our Oilfield HUB members. Members receive privileges such as agency-level discounts in Oilfield PULSE and access to our target marketing programs.

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