With the federal election rally over, I can tell you I am sick of politics, journalism, and reactionary executives. In the past few months, it has been all consuming. I look forward to getting back to business as usual. Yes, I do think that is possible, and I am optimistic by choice. I am also just a regular guy with a regular company.
Pipelines are needed, royalties should be realistic, and politicians recognize that. My suggestion is not to fight against the game politicians need to play to win votes or public opinion. Politicians are accessible, and they are willing to work with both our industry and the public at large. If our industry continues to unite, it will lead to the desired result, but we need to address a few things. Find out what problems you as our “industry” can help the politicians solve. Go to them with an agenda that will help them to solve these problems which will help them achieve their goals. The industry must accept we are going to lose many battles in the media. Don’t let that deter you.
Stop waging a battle of public opinion. Stop pointing out in the media what you think is wrong. Be collaborative and use language that engages both the public service and politicians. Offer to work together and be vocal about what a great relationship our industry has with government.
Isn’t there a saying about flies and honey?