Premier Notley is leading by simply lecturing to us in her 2016 year-end press conference …… “It’s not just a question of having a more fuel efficient vehicle. It could sometimes be a question of taking a bus, walking, you know those kind of things.” Great leaders lead by example! They earn trust and respect not
by their words but by their actions. They’ve shown us it’s relatively easy to impose a carbon tax through press conference words and government bills, but it is much more difficult to show Albertans how the NDP government is changing their ways to reduce their carbon footprint. How have they, or how are they, planning to lower their own fossil fuel consumption and corresponding costs leading the way to a greener economy? Maybe this should be the subject for the next high dollar Climate ‘Leadership’ Plan video and marketing blitz! Leadership comes at a cost, but are the NDP really willing to pay the price in the carbon consumption trenches?
Now any article on carbon taxes wouldn’t be complete without a jab or two at our jet setting Prime Minister. It seems like he’s spent more time out of the country than in the country, and when he is in Canada he’s regularly flying back and forth across our great nation.