What’s all the HUBbub About?

Date PublishedSeptember 19, 2013
CompanyLeadstone Group Inc., Oilfield HUB
Article AuthorKevin Turko
Article TypeJune 2013 Issue
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PULSE Interactive

What’s all the HUBbub About?

There are so many interesting stories in the patch just waiting to be told. Every week we come across cool stories about new and innovative technologies from our Oilfield HUB member companies. But it doesn’t stop there! We are also fascinated by the diverse interests and lifestyles of the owners and their staff, as well as the passion they readily share for their community and the special causes that are close to them and dear to their families. This is truly the heart and soul of the industry!

Yet, every day, oil and gas companies and their service partners are constantly taking shots across the bow in the media from special interest groups and even the entertainment industry. If these were actual arrows, we would never storm the castle for fear of getting wounded or killed by the hundreds of archers standing in the way of our members’ success. We hear tales of the insane amount of money associated with the energy business, but it seems everyone still wants their cut of the action! The industry is continually being bombarded by negative press over very sensitive matters such as environmental impact; along with a multitude of other concerns they must cope with each and every day.

We see it, we hear it, we read about it and talk about it constantly! Yes, these are sensitive issues and real matters that must be properly and expediently addressed by the industry. In our travels around the patch we encounter plenty of great people with honourable intentions, skills and expertise that are doing just that. Yet these people and their companies are being overshadowed by this constant barrage coming at them from every direction. Even more unfortunate are the numerous untold stories of the heroes in the energy business, whose modesty and love for their community goes unnoticed to the public at large.

We aim to change this in the pages and upcoming issues of Oilfield PULSE! We are not just another oil and gas trade magazine vying for your advertising dollars. Oilfield PULSE is the voice of our Oilfield HUB community. We are advocates for the great things that are happening in the industry and the untold stories of the people who truly make it happen!

As you flip through the pages of this issue you’ll see just what we mean. We are very pleased to welcome Ecoquip Rentals and Sales to the front cover of the PULSE. The Grabills, Les and his two sons Chris and Tim, lead this family run business. Get to know them, and it’s not hard to imagine why they are successful. Their company is also surrounded by a great entourage of dealers, suppliers and manufacturers who both contribute and benefit from their association with Ecoquip and the Grabills. We are excited to be able tell some of their stories as well. Thanks gents!

We hope you will find this issue and our approach refreshing, interesting and certainly a change of pace from other industry mags! Whether you’re a service and supply, or an exploration and production company we want to hear and learn more about you. And so do our readers!

And by the way, check out our new mobile version of the magazine and our PULSE Interactive website at www.OilfieldPULSE.com. Now we’re getting the positive words out there that truly count and matter to us all!